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Hintergrund Grün .bmp
Bildschirmfoto 2020-02-16 um

about me:

It was clear from an early age that I would pursue a social career.

When I was young, I cooked meadow soup with ribwort, chicory and daisies.

My interest was always in the three partners, human, animal and plant world alike.


When an apprenticeship became available in the nearby pharmacy, I enthusiastically stirred homemade ointments, mixed a wide variety of teas for all kinds of ailments, and made suppositories and tinctures.

I wanted more... to help people more directly. Thus I decided to complete my training as a graduate health and nursing student at the nursing school in Leoben and stayed for a few years as DGKS at the LKH Leoben.


My son Marc came into my life and I specialized in the geriatric area ( seniors and elderly people) of nursing. In the meantime Marc is studying.

It makes me proud to see him doing what he really enjoys and is interested in.


In our time we have the luck - easier, if not always, to walk the path of joy. We have abundance around us, yet I see fewer and fewer people with joy.

We are blessed with one of the best health care systems in the world and for that I am very grateful, yet I have always felt that something is missing.... 


More and more clearly I felt and experienced how far people have strayed from their original selves.

More and more I became aware that the undisturbed flow of life energy, which flows through our body, is indispensable for healing in a holistic sense.


In my 30 years of work as a nurse, I have always thought about complementary care and alternatives. 

I attended courses for aroma care, homeopathy, therapeutic touch, medicinal herbs and botany.


For me, accompanying people on the path to their wholeness means supporting them beyond the physical. To activate and strengthen their self-healing powers. To force and harmonize the energy centers of the body is essential for me. Releasing energy blockages and congestion is as much a part of holistic healing for me as is maintaining health through prevention, and the component of health counseling.

No disease comes suddenly from anywhere, everything begins on the first day and even before that. 



I work kinesiologically according to the principle of the divine order for and with the divine creation.


"It is important to heal the body with the soul and the soul through the body" - Oscar Wilde.

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